Jean K. Saintfort
Official website


Do you like to read? Do you believe that life is more than what it seems? Would you like to travel somewhere else? Do you want to laugh? Experience emotions?

My name is Jean K. Saintfort, I am a French writer and I offer you …
My novels are not yet translated into the beautiful English language. Don’t worry, it will come… You can, for the moment, read them in French and improve your French this way.
It’s up to you !

A new author immediately acclaimed by the critics…
 J.K. SAINTFORT went to NEW YORK, invited to the « National Arts Club » in Manhattan by the « Rencontre des Auteurs Francophones », on 30 November 2021.

Seduced by J. K. Saintfort’s 1st novel, I offered the man and woman of my painting, winner of the « Mona Lisa La Joconde International Art Prize 2019 Academia Italia », as a cover to his story « Le Dernier Temps ». JJ VITIELLO, international painter, invited to the Dubai World Expo.

A well-paced story with a genealogical enigma to conclude. Jean-Louis BEAUCARNOT, « Pape » of French Genealogy, journalist.

Lorraine invades New York. Radio France Bleue Lorraine on 13 November 2021

A fascinating pleasure novel, between memories and confidences. Florence GANIVET, journalist, editor-in-chief of the Magazine “Conseils des Notaires”.

An extraordinary pen for those who love beautiful writing. Philippe JF Blanchet, Amazon

The beauty of the words and the rhythm of the story feed the chain of suspense and reflection. A book that can be read and devoured on many levels. Geneviève Montenon, chroniqueuse, Nourritures Livresques

An author who has found his audience. Interview with Sandrine Kukurudz, in Miami. Rencontre des Auteurs Francophones.

Discover my novels

Les Secrets de la Maison de France

His grandmother offers him his past to free his future. Between family secrets, inheritance, investigation, romance and psycho-genealogy.

Le Dernier Temps

A suspenseful novel about the struggles of a non-violent people and the powers of thought. An out of time romance.

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UNPUBLISHED BONUSES of the novels are hidden within the different articles.
Can you find them?

  1. Avec Le dernier Temps, un roman très contemporain, Jean K. Saintfort nous fait réfléchir sur le monde que nous voulons.…